On Tuesday my friend Becky and I made a pack to fast from the internet. It wasn't something we planned on when we got up that morning, it just sort of came about. I called her complaining how I just couldn't seem to get anything done lately; the house stayed messy, I was going to bed late which caused me to get up later which made me feel behind all the time. She was feeling the same way and after talking it over we both realized what was going on, we were spending way too much time time on Facebook, shopping on the internet, blogging, reading blogs etc....It wasn't just on our computers, its also on our phones. We had the internet with us wherever we went. We were constantly checking these things throughout the day and had to acknowledge that it was a great way to procrastinate.
1 Corinthians 6:12 says, "Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered by anything." Because we felt we were starting to be "mastered" we made a pact to fast from all things online. We had to check our emails because of things coming from the kids school but everything else we were taking a break from. It was a little difficult at first but once I saw how much more time I had during the day by staying off the computer it was worth it. Sophie was 5 minutes early to school instead of 5 minutes late. The laundry stayed done, the house stayed straight, I worked out at the Y. I just didn't realize how much time these things were taking. So now that we are back to using our computers and Iphones, how do we not allow these things to become so addictive again? For me, I am just going to limit how much time I let myself be on the computer. I'm not going to even turn it on in the mornings. Later in the day or in evening after Sophie's in bed I will probably be my computer time. I'm sure it is something that I will always have to keep in check.
I live among rock stars!
5 years ago
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