Several weeks ago I went to my mailbox and was excited to recieve an unexpected package from my sweet friend Connie who lives in Idaho. She had sent me a book titled 1000 Gifts, A Dare To Live Fully Right Where You Are.
I couldn't wait to read it. I had never heard of the book but the title intrigued me and I knew Connie had sent it to me because of a conversation we had had a few days before. I could never do the book justice here on my blog so I won't even try but I just want to say that it is a beautiful book with a beautiful message. The author, Ann Voskamp, has the most unique style of writing. I've never read anything like it before.
I love a book that opens your eyes to a new way of thinking and that is what 1000 Gifts has done for me. The book makes the case that before any miracle happened in the Bible, thanks to God always proceeded it. Right before Christ went to the cross he gave thanks to God. Thankfullness is something God wants from us but how do you cultivate this in a life that can be hard, sometimes cruel? She began keeping a journal of the small gifts in her everyday life and found that this new way of looking at the everyday has not only allowed her to see God all around her but has helped her to overcome some tragic childhood events and has helped her cope with the daily stresses of being a wife and trying to raise 6 young children.
Today I had my first entry into my 1000 Gifts journal (I'm using an App on my phone...yes they have an app for that).
Entry # 1:
"Sophie, what does it feel like to have so many people who love you so much?"...."Mommy, it feels like sunshine all in my head. It feels like all my family is there." Thank you God for the innocent beauty of a 4 year olds words.
I live among rock stars!
4 years ago
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