Monday, October 31, 2011

Hi Ho...Hi Ho...I Sew, I Sew, I Sew

I love to sew.  There is something about fabric and machine that just makes me happy.  This year Sophie decided she wanted to be Snow White (I kind of encouraged it because I thought she would be so beautiful with her black hair) and that meant either purchasing or sewing her costume.  I don't have a lot of extra time for sewing these days since I work now but I really wanted to make the dress.  Sewing costumes is such a great way to learn new techniques because they usually have a lot of detail and if you mess up no one really cares because it's a costume.  With this years costume I learned to do darts in the bodice and put a zipper in.  I also learned how to fix a hem that you really screw up because you did something really dumb that you thought was really smart but wasn't!  Here is the final product and I can't wait to see my little Princess all dressed up in her new dress for Halloween.
Found the perfect shoes at Old Navy

I also learned how to make piping and set in sleeves.

One of the details is a cape.  Sophie was thrilled to have one!

Halloween, here we come!

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