Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy 18th Birthday Madison!

Today, November 30th, was Madison's 18th Birthday.  I cannot believe how fast it has gone by.  Even though I'm a little sad and some days it's hard to let him be "grown up", his Dad and I are very proud of the man he has come to be.

This year we didn't do any big parties because we wanted to be able to celebrate Madison's "in Style" since it was a big one so on Sophie's birthday we invited the grandparents over and they each had a cake and got presents from them.

It was a nice night and he was thrilled with the gifts and love they showered on him.

 After he got home from school we started the festivities by opening presents.  Daddy had been to Lexington on business this morning and couldn't help but stop by the bookstore to pick up a few extra goodies.  He surprised Madison with a new shirt and a Sports Illustrated.

After the presents, we had him change and told him we were taking him out to dinner but didn't tell him where.   He was surprised when we pulled up in front of Ruth's Chris and told him he is now a man and we wanted to take him to do something "grown up" and every grown up should experience fine dining.

After dinner they brought him a plate with "Happy Birthday" written on it and a special dessert.  He whispered, "mom, how did they know it was my birthday, even the lady at the front desk wished me Happy Birthday?"

After dinner, Sophie of course needed to use the restroom.  The boys got worried because it was taking us so long.  What they didn't realize is that in a "fancy bathroom" they have items like lotion, mouthwash and fancy soap.  Sophie had to do it all.
Sophie sitting on the bathroom counter at Ruth's Chris sampling all the goodies.

On our way home, Madison had us stop so that he could do one more thing he is now old enough to do (thank goodness he didn't want a tattoo!)  It was lottery tickets!  He purchased a whole $3 worth.

After we got home and settled in, he got out of bed twice to come hug me and tell me thanks for the wonderful birthday and that night I went to bed thanking God for allowing me the privilege to raise this young man.

Happy Birthday Madison!  We love you.


  1. Looks like you have had a special week. Happy Birthday to all!


    PS: Time does go by quickly...

  2. Love this post...every word, and every picture. I didn't realize until a few days ago when someone mentioned it at work that lottery tickets are the 18-year-old thing to do. So cool! Happy Birthday Madison!!
