Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

Santa was very good to everyone!
We had a wonderful Christmas.  Sophie, who very rarely wakes up before the sun was yelling "Mom" at 7am.  When I went in to pick her up she said, "Mom, Christmas!"  I took her in to wake up her brother, who made me promise I wouldn't let her near the tree without him there to see her face.   She headed right over to the new table chair set and Playhouse that Santa brought.   

Sophie recieved a Calico Critters Playhouse.  She loves it!  We played with it together most of the day.  
My beautiful daughter.
Santa brought Madison a new Ipod Touch.  He was thrilled and surprised.  Santa had it wrapped and hidden in the shirt pocket of one of his other presents.  We spent the day in front of the fire Daddy built playing with and enjoying each other.  

Madison bought Sophie the Aristocats.  He's such a thoughtful brother.

Sophie doing a little dance in her new glass slippers.

Daddy got Madison a book to help him study for ACT.   
This year Sophie would entertain us with her own little version of Jingle Bells,  Frosty the Snowman and Alicia Keys Empire State of Mind ( lock)  We thought it was time for a microphone.

Giving the new baby a bath.

Madison relaxing on the couch while killing the enemy on Call of Duty Black Ops.

Sophie helping me make buscuits to go a long with the left over ham.
 We finished the night sitting on the couch watching Toy Story together.  Me in between my 3 year old and 17 year old.  It was so special to be introducing this movie to Sophie as Madison and I began revisiting his childhood.  Laughing at the lines and remembering his 3rd birthday when he got a Buzz Lightyear and Woody toy.   He is growing up and someday will have his own family and start his own traditions.  I become more and more aware of this as each Christmas passes making them more special to me.
We had a very Merry Christmas.  We are so blessed and thankful to have each other.

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